Preschool Homeschooling
Winter Art Activity
Snowman Collage
Create a snowman in this winter art activity to add to your preschool winter theme.
Snow Facts for Preschoolers
Snow consists of tiny six-sided ice crystals, which form on dust particles inside very cold clouds. The crystals join together to make snowflakes, which become heavy and fall to the earth.
Because snow is frozen water it is useful. Since it melts gradually in the spring, it becomes a steady supply of water to fill rivers and dams.
Snow also provides recreation to people. Many people enjoy snow sports and activities such as ski-ing, snowboarding, sledding etc
However, snow can also be hazardous to people and animals. Snow is difficult to walk through, it makes finding food difficult for animals. When thick snow crashes down a mountain in an avalanche it can cause a lot of damage and kill anyone caught in its path.
In cities and towns, snow on the roads makes driving dangerous.
Creating collages is a good activity for stimulating the development of fine motor skills in children.
They have to manipulate small particles of craft materials and place them carefully on their page.
Working with different materials will also develop their tactile senses.
Like many other art projects, collage also allows them to be creative and may have a soothing effect on the emotions.
Snowman Collage Craft Activity
You will need
A coloured or black paper per child
Cotton wool
Yarn or strips of cloth
Scrap paper in various colours
Paper punch

Spreading snowflake confetti
1. Draw a snowman outline on the page.
2. Let the children break off pieces of fluffy cotton and glue them onto the snowman outline.
3. Cut coloured pieces of paper for eyes and glue them on too.
4. Use yarn or strips of cloth for a scarf.
5. Decorate or colour the background or spread glue over th background and scatter the confetti from a paper punch over it as snowflakes.

Finished snowman picture
More Winter Crafts
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