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Sugar Absorption Experiment

Demonstrate the process of absorption with this easy sugar absorption experiment.

Absorption can be described as a process in which one substance takes in another substance.

Before you do this sugar absorption experiment, you could talk about and demonstrate how a sponge and paper towel absorb water. Discuss the advantages of this property with respect to cleaning up in the home or classroom.

You could even test a variety of substances to see which one are good absorbers of liquid and which are not. For example, compare a wad of newspaper with the pages of a glossy magazine, or compare a tissue with a cotton kitchen swab. See which substance absorbs the most water or which one absorbs it the quickest.

Ask the children to think about what fabrics would make good diapers for babies or good towels. Then ask what type of fabrics make good swim suits, shower curtains or umbrellas.

Sugar Tower Absorption

You will need

sugar cubes
food colouring


Build a tower of four sugar cubes.
Add a little food colouring to some water
Carefully pour a little water onto the saucer at the base of the sugar tower and observe what happens.


The sugar absorbs the water as shown by the colour that gradually climbs up the tower.The sugar gets soggy and the tower will fall over.

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