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Preschool Science and Nature Study

Activities for preschool science and nature study to encourge your children to explore plants and animals and enjoy the outdoors.

Nature Study

nature study

1. Plant beans, lentils or grass seeds in a small container and let your children watch them grow. Bean seeds will germinate in damp cotton wool, which makes the stages of germination easy to observe.
Place one bean in a dark cupboard for a few days and let the children see what happens. Stop watering another one and observe the results.

2. Try growing an avocado pear pip suspended in the mouth of a jar of water. The bottom half should be below the water level. Stick a few matches into it to balance it across the mouth of the bottle.

3. Talk about seeds and their role in the reproduction of plants. Collect seeds and figure out how they are dispersed by the plant.

4. If you can, allow your children to have a small vegetable patch. Try growing carrots, lettuces, radishes, tomatoes, beans, corn or other vegetables that will grow in your area.
Alternatively, create a small herb garden with herbs you will use for cooking.

5. Grow carrots tops in a saucer of water on a windowsill.

Top of Preschool Science and Nature Study

Parts of a flower

Pick a flower, like a petunia, which has easily identifiable parts and teach your children about pollination.
Talk about the role of insects and pollination. Get a book on this topic if you don’t have one.


Start a compost heap by building layers of soil, dried twigs, grass cuttings and vegetable peels and waste from your kitchen.
Talk about how animals and bacteria in the compost heap help to break down the plant matter so that it becomes re-usable food for new plants.

Top of Preschool Science and Nature Study


Observe the growth of leaves on plants throughout the year. Compare evergreen plants with deciduous plants through the seasons. Collect fallen leaves and make a Leaf Mobile

Life cycles

Learn about the life cycles and reproduction of animals. Either observe animals in your area like frogs/tadpoles, or let your children keep silkworms and learn about their lifecycles. Study the Frog Life Cycle and do these Frog Science Activities as an extension.

The Lifecycle of the Butterfly

A Hungry Caterpillar based on the story book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

This story book is wonderful for children aged 1-6 and the lapbook is best suited for ages 3-6.

It includes the lifecycle of the butterfly, healthy foods, days of the week, counting and colours.

Top of Preschool Science and Nature Study

Bird watching

Feed the birds that frequent your area and let your children begin to identify them. Set out bird feeders or a bird table. If necessary, get a nature guide and learn the names of them together. Learn about what foods they eat and then observe how the beaks of different birds are suited to their food types.
Identify males and females of the species and observe their behaviour.
Identify the nests of the birds. Learn about eggs and reproduction.

Fly, Eagle, Fly!

I created my own lapbook for ages 4-8 based on Fly, Eagly, Fly! An African Tale by Nicky Daly.

This lapbook would fit in beautifully with a study of birds of prey, as it is about an eagle and the story is set in a rural South African village.

Click here for a more detailed description or here to PURCHASE this lapbook instantly.

Other animals

Observe and identify other animals that may be found in your area: spiders, butterflies, bees and other insects, tortoises, lizards, snakes or other small reptiles, mice, bats, rabbits, other small wildlife.

Top of Preschool Science and Nature Study

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Ocean Theme Lapbook

Explore the Ocean with a Hermit Crab

Exploring the Ocean with a Hermit Crab

Use this preschool ocean theme lapbook based on A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle to enhance your studies of marine life.

The printable project pack includes the following topics:

  • My House
  • My Address
  • Growth Chart
  • Months of the Year
  • Sea Creatures
  • Popular Seafoods
  • Fishing Nursery Rhyme
  • Oceans of the World
  • Hermit Crab Anatomy
  • Hermit Crab Craft

Click below for more info or to purchase and download it instantly:

Exploring the Ocean with a Hermit Crab

Explore the Ocean with a Hermit Crab


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